Check spelling
By default, unrecognized words have a dashed red line below them. To turn off that feature, choose Edit > Spelling > Check Spelling as You Type, so that there’s no checkmark next to the menu item.
Tip: To quickly view suggested spellings for a word, Control-click the word and choose an option from the top of the shortcut menu.
Check a document’s spelling
Place the insertion point where you want spell-checking to start, or select specific text to check.
To quickly find misspelled words, choose Edit > Spelling > Check Spelling.
The first misspelled word is highlighted. You can correct it, or press Command-Semicolon (;) to highlight the next misspelled word.
To check spelling and view suggestions for misspelled words, choose Edit > Spelling > Spelling.
In the Spelling window, you can do any of the following:
Replace the highlighted word with one of the suggested corrections: Double-click the suggestion.
If the correct word doesn’t appear in the list of suggested corrections but you know the correct spelling: Type the word at the top of the Spelling window and click Change.
If the word is correct and you want to add it to the dictionary (so that it’s not marked as misspelled): Click Learn. To undo the Learn effect, Control-click the word and choose Unlearn Spelling from the shortcut menu.
Leave the word as it is but not add it to the dictionary: Click Ignore.
If no alternative spellings appear: Retype the word in the Spelling window using a different spelling, and click Guess to see whether new suggestions appear.
Find the next misspelled word: Click Find Next.