Format a chart
Every chart you create has a title, legend, and labels. You can reposition and format these elements, or you can hide them. You can also modify chart attributes such as chart colors and textures, axis scales and tick marks, and lighting style in 3D charts.
Format a chart’s title, legend, and labels
Select a chart.
Do any of the following:
Show or hide a chart’s title or legend: In the Chart inspector, click Chart, and select or deselect Show Title or Show Legend.
Edit the legend labels: Select the legend and edit the text. You can also edit the labels in the Chart Data Editor.
Add descriptive text elements to a chart: Create a text box and group it with the chart.
Format chart axes
Data points are plotted on the value axis, and data sets are grouped on the category axis. Except for bar charts, the y-axis is the value axis and the x-axis is the category axis. In scatter charts, both the x and y axes are value axes. In charts with two y-axes, Value Axis (Y1) and Value Axis (Y2) are formatted separately.
Select a chart.
In the Chart inspector, click Axis.
To format the category (x) axis, do either or both of the following in the Category Axis (X) section of the Axis pane:
Place gridlines and tick marks: Choose the gridlines and tick marks you want from the Choose Axis Options pop-up menu.
Display category (data set) titles: Choose Show Categories or Show Last Category from the Choose Axis Options pop-up menu.
Specify how often category labels appear in the “Label every n categories” field. For example, a value of 2 displays every other category title, a value of 3 displays every third category title, and so on.
To format the value (y) axis, do any of the following in the Value Axis (Y) section of the Axis pane:
Set a linear, logarithmic, or percentage scale: Choose Linear Scale, Log Scale, or Percentage Scale from the Choose Axis Options pop-up menu.
Percentage scales are available only for 2D stacked bar, column, and area charts; linear and logarithmic scales are available only for 2D charts that aren’t stacked. 3D charts must use a linear scale.
Set the maximum and minimum displayed values: Enter numbers in the Max and Min fields. The fields display the word “Auto” by default.
Specify the number of intervals between the values: Enter a number in the Steps field.
Display the value labels: Choose either Show Value Labels or Show Minimum Value from the Choose Axis Options pop-up menu.
Specify units on the value axis: Choose an item from the Format pop-up menu:
Number: Displays no units. To specify units, use the Suffix field. To specify the number of decimal places, enter a number in the Decimals field. To format how negative numbers are displayed, choose “–100” or “(100)” from the pop-up menu. If you want to separate the orders of magnitude on the left side of the decimal, select Separator.
Currency: Displays values as a monetary amount. Choose the currency symbol from the Symbol pop-up menu. To specify the number of decimal places, enter a number in the Decimals field. To format how negative numbers are displayed, choose “–100” or “(100)” from the pop-up menu. If you want to separate the orders of magnitude on the left side of the decimal, select Separator.
Percentage: Displays values as a percentage. To specify the number of decimal places, enter a number in the Decimals field. To separate the orders of magnitude on the left side of the decimal, select Separator. If you want to format how negative numbers are displayed, choose “–100” or “(100)” from the pop-up menu.
Date and Time: Displays a date and time format.
Duration: Displays a unit of time (for example, seconds, minutes, or weeks).
Fraction: Displays decimal data values as fractions. To choose how fractions are rounded, choose an option from the Accuracy pop-up menu.
Scientific: Displays values in scientific notation, where 10 raised to a power is represented as E+integer.
Custom: Choose a custom number format you’ve already created, or create a new one.
You can also change the color and texture of series elements, or format data point symbols and value labels, using the Series pane of the Chart inspector.
Format elements in a chart’s data series
You can use a variety of visual effects to enhance the appearance of a data series, such as bars (in column and bar charts), data point shapes (in line and scatter charts), and area shapes.
Note: Pie wedges also represent a data series, but pie wedges have special formatting considerations.
To make changes to series elements, first select an element in the series you want to change. Most changes are made using the controls in the Series pane of the Chart inspector.
Do any of the following:
Fill selected series elements with specially designed colors or textures: Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Chart Inspector button, and click Chart Colors. Choose a color fill type and a fill collection from the pop-up menus, and do one of the following:
Fill all the elements in all the data series: Click Apply All. The first fill is applied to elements in the first series, the second fill to elements in the second series, and so on.
Fill elements in a single data series: Drag the fill to an element (bar, column, and so on) in the series.
Note: These fills can’t be used for line and scatter charts.
Adjust the opacity, stroke, shadow, or fill of selected series elements: Select the element you want to change, and make the adjustments you want in the Graphic inspector.
Display data point labels in a particular format: Select the chart, click Series in the Chart inspector, select Value Labels, and choose an option from the Format pop-up menu:
Number: Displays no units. To specify the number of decimal places, enter a number in the Decimals field. To separate the orders of magnitude on the left side of the decimal, select Separator. If you want to format how negative numbers are displayed, choose “–100” or “(100)” from the pop-up menu.
Currency: Displays values as a monetary amount. To specify the number of decimal places, enter a number in the Decimals field. To separate the orders of magnitude on the left side of the decimal, select Separator. To format how negative numbers are displayed, choose “–100” or “(100)” from the pop-up menu. If you want to add a currency symbol, choose an option from the Symbol pop-up menu.
Percentage: Displays values as a percentage. To specify the number of decimal places, enter a number in the Decimals field. To separate the orders of magnitude on the left side of the decimal, select Separator. If you want to format how negative numbers are displayed, choose “–100” or “(100)” from the pop-up menu.
Date and Time: Displays a date and time format.
Duration: Displays a unit of time (for example, seconds, minutes, or weeks).
Fraction: Displays decimal data values in fraction form. To choose how fractions are rounded, choose an option from the Accuracy pop-up menu.
Scientific: Displays values in scientific notation, where 10 raised to a power is represented as E+integer. To specify the number of decimal places, enter a number in the Decimals field.
Custom: Choose a custom number format you’ve already created, or create a new one.
Show error bars for data points in a selected series
You can show error bars around data points in all 2D chart types except for pie charts. Choose from different line ends and colors in the Graphic inspector.
If the Chart inspector isn’t open, click the Inspector button in the toolbar, click the Chart Inspector button, and click Series.
Click the Advanced disclosure triangle at the bottom of the Series pane, and click Error Bars.
For scatter charts, you can have error bars for both data series. Set them separately by following the instructions for both the axes.
From the first pop-up menu, choose how you want the error bars to be displayed:
Positive and Negative: Displays full error bars, both above and below each data point.
Positive Only: Displays only the part of each error bar that falls above its data point.
Negative Only: Displays only the part of each error bar that falls below its data point.
From the second pop-up menu, choose the kind of error bar you want to display.
Show a trendline for data points in a selected series
Trendlines are lines calculated and drawn to fit your data, according to the type of equation you prefer. You can display trendlines for most 2D chart types, except stacked bar, column, area, and pie charts.
Select the series for which you want to show a trendline.
If the Chart inspector isn’t open, click the Inspector button in the toolbar, click the Chart Inspector button, and click Series.
Click the Advanced disclosure triangle at the bottom of the Series pane, and click Trendline.
In the pop-up menu, choose the type of equation you want to use to calculate the trendline.
Do any of the following:
See the equation that describes a trendline: Select the line and select Show Equation. You can drag this equation to wherever you want it to appear on the page.
See the R-squared value that was used to calculate a trendline: Select the line and select “Show R2 value.” You can drag this number to wherever you want it to appear on the page.
Display a label for a trendline: Select the line, and select Label. Enter a label in the adjacent field.
Change the line color or thickness: Select the line and click the Graphic Inspector button at the top of the Inspector window. Make adjustments using the controls in the Stroke section of the Graphic inspector.