Add, reorder, or delete chapters, sections, and pages

Your book is made up of chapters. A chapter can contain pages and sections.

A section is a part of a chapter. You can use sections to divide the content of a chapter into topics, or use them for self contained types of content, such as lessons, activities, and case studies. All sections appear together at the end of the chapter they’re in.

You can reorder sections and chapters at any time by dragging them in the Book pane (shown below), and iBooks Author automatically renumbers them.

As you add content, new pages are added as needed, or you can add pages first. (When you view a landscape template in portrait orientation, each chapter or section has one scrolling page that displays all the content.)

Chapters, sections, and pages in Book pane of sidebar

Important: You can’t drag individual pages to reorder them.

Add a chapter or a section

  1. In the Book pane (shown above), select the chapter that precedes the chapter you want to add, or select the chapter you want to add the section to.

  2. Click Add Pages in the toolbar, and choose either Chapter > Option or Section > Option.

  3. Click a chapter or section title and do any of the following:

    • Add a chapter or section title: Click the “Untitled” placeholder text and type new text.

    • Change the prefix and number displayed: On the book page, double-click the word “Chapter” or “Section” and choose an option from the Section Number pop-up menu.

    • Replace a section title with a chapter or book title, or a chapter title with a book title: On the book page, triple-click the chapter or section title and choose an option from the Title pop-up menu.

You can also add a chapter or section by duplicating one. Select a chapter or section and choose Edit > Duplicate.

Tip: To optimize the viewing experience, create more smaller chapters rather than fewer larger chapters.

Add a new page

  1. In the Book pane (shown above), select the chapter or section you want to add pages to.

  2. Click Add Pages in the toolbar, and choose Pages > Option.

Tip: You can also add a new page by Control-clicking a page in the Book pane and choosing Insert Page from the shortcut menu. The new page uses the default layout for the chapter or section.

Reorder chapters or sections

In the Book pane (shown above), do either or both of the following:

  • Change the order of chapters: Drag them.

  • Change the order of sections: Drag a section to a new location in the chapter, or to another chapter.

Delete a chapter, section, or page

  • In the Book pane (shown above), select the chapter, section, or page you want to delete, and press Delete.

Important: Deleting a chapter or section deletes all its content. To restore the content, choose Edit > Undo immediately.